GRATEFUL: A note from our owner, Darcy

by | Nov 22, 2022 | Notes | 0 comments

GRATEFUL.  One of my favorite lines is “It’s impossible to be miserable and grateful at the same time.” Honestly in these unsettled times staying grateful seems like a very good approach.

I am so grateful for much and I hope this little note will inspire you to take a few moments during your busy day to reflect on those things in your life that make you grateful.

We recently celebrated our Top Performer Event where each year we honor those team members that are dedicated to excellence at the highest levels of our company.  This was our 7th year of the event and we had plenty of attendees who had been to every celebration!  We also raised a glass to so many of our team members that have been with Garbo’s for 20-35 years!

We have owned Garbo’s for 16 years now and while we continue to evolve and grow what really matters is the relationships we have built over the years with each other and with the wonderful clients that we serve. I believe that every person that walks through our doors deserves VIP treatment because everyone deserves to look great and feel great. Our amazingly talented team loves to be a part of that experience and I am so thankful that I get to watch their magic come alive.

I just read a great little section from a book by John Mason called 40 Questions to Change Your Life.  In the chapter entitled What would your life look like if you were the most grateful, thankful person you know? It says, “Don’t find yourself at the end of your life saying, what a wonderful life I’ve had!  I only wish I’d appreciated and realized it sooner.  Go from complaining to appreciating.  From hating to loving.  From grumpy to grateful. From criticizing to complimenting. From finding fault to finding good. From thankless to thankful.”

This Thanksgiving is the one day a year I get all of my kids under the same roof for games, good cheer, and yes – plenty of turkey and prime rib. I hope each of you takes this holiday of thanks to look around and take stock of all of those people in your life who make your days better and your life richer.  I am grateful for all of you and wish you a very thankful and blessed holiday season.




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